Family pictures
Just like in every household, we collect family pictures on paper, as slides in albums and recently also as a digital image file. Imageheheap, - among other things in the old wooden boxes - lasts for many decades back, is completely disordered and in danger of disappearing into obscurity.
The photographs are far from perfect artistically and technically, but they convey a multitude of memories. I'm not sure if these pictures in a few years, when the memories have faded, anyone else is interested, but I wanted to try through something Order and easier accessibility to counteract forgetting. The cataloging of the image material is very incomplete and, moreover, there are The pictures shown here are only a fraction of the existing "treasure"; The slides in particular are - also because of the technical problems with digitization - not yet evaluated. I'm working on it... you have to start somehow!
P.S.: I am aware that the Internet is a particularly "transient" medium. I'll try to find a slightly more durable storage medium - suggestions are welcome. (E-mail)
Family reunion Nezel Rodloff Simon Tworuschka 2000-2017
Family picturesfrom the old picture box:
Herman spark
Kathrin Brigitte Rüdiger Pictures from 2000 to 2018
Kathrin-Florian-Gitta-Ruediger unsorted
(somewhat) current pictures from Ohof
Krebs-Rodloff family meeting in Ohof 2015
Vacation with Kathrin in Schwangau 2019